The Supercharged Jupyter Kernel That Was Waiting to be Discovered

Addressing some pain points of the default kernel.

Working in Jupyter Notebooks gets tedious and messy at times.

If you regularly use them, you already know that when we update a variable, all its dependent cells must be manually re-executed.

And if we have many cells (and to make things worse, they are spread here and there), execution errors are almost inevitable.

Recently, I learned a pretty cool Jupyter hack that addresses these pain point.

Lately, instead of using the standard jupyter kernel (ipykernel), I have started using ipyflow.

It is a supercharged kernel for jupyter, which tracks the relationship between cells and variables.

Its magic command enables an automatic recursive re-execution of dependent cells if a variable is updated.

This is depicted in the demo below:

As demonstrated above, updating the variable x automatically triggers all its dependent cells.

What’s more, at any point, we can obtain the corresponding code to reconstruct any symbol, as demonstrated below:

This way, we can easily determine the cell executions that generated a specific output.

Do note that ipyflow offers a different kernel from the default kernel in Jupyter.

Thus, after installing ipyflow (pip install ipyflow), select the following kernel while launching a new notebook:

Isn’t that cool?

Get started here: ipyflow.

On a side note:

When I discovered ipyflow, I felt that this was something I never realized I wanted, or I never had any idea that I had a pain point with default Jupyter kernel, until I learned about the solution.

I think this is a classic case where you learn about the problem after learning about the solution first :)

Anyway, if you want to read some more Jupyter hacks, check out this recent issue:

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