Avoid Using Pandas' Apply() Method At All Times

Clearing a common misconception about a popular method.

The apply() method in Pandas is the most common approach to apply a function along an axis of a DataFrame/Series.

But contrary to common belief, Pandas' apply() method:

  • is NOT vectorized

  • instead, it's a glorified for-loop

Thus, it does not offer any inherent optimization and the code runs at native Python speed.

One solution is to eliminate the apply() method by using a vectorized approach.

But it is understandable that at times, coming up with a vectorized approach is difficult. (Here’s one of my previous guides on this: If You Are Not Able To Code A Vectorized Approach, Try This)

Another solution is to parallelize the apply() method by using external libraries.

The image above compares the run-time of alternatives that support parallelization.

It is evident that Pandas’ apply() is not the optimal way to apply a method.

Get started with these libraries here:

👉 Over to you: What are some other techniques you commonly use to optimize Pandas’ operations?

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I like to explore, experiment and write about data science concepts and tools. You can read my articles on Medium. Also, you can connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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