Accelerate Pandas with GPU Using RAPIDS cuDF

...without any code changes.

Two of the biggest problems with Pandas is that:

  • It always adheres to a single-core computation on a CPU.

  • It creates bulky DataFrames.

While many libraries (Polars, for instance) do address these limitations, they are still limited to CPU-driven computations.

NVIDIA’s RAPIDS cuDF library allows Pandas users to supercharge their Pandas workflow with GPUs.

How to use it?

Within a GPU runtime, do the following :

  • Load the extension: %load_ext cudf.pandas

  • Import Pandas: import pandas as pd

  • Done! Use Pandas’ methods as you usually would.

Just loading the extension provides immense speedups. This is evident from the gif below.

As per NVIDIA’s official release, this can be as fast as 150x.

In my personal experimentation, however, I mostly observed it to range between 50-70x, which is still pretty good.

The good thing is that the extension accelerates most Pandas’ methods.

Yet, if needed, it can automatically fall back to the CPU.

How does it work?

Whenever cudf.pandas is enabled, the import pandas as pd statement does not import the original Pandas library which we use all the time.

Instead, it imports another library that contains GPU-accelerated implementations of all Pandas methods.

This is evident from the image below:

This alternative implementation preserves the entire syntax of Pandas. So if you know Pandas, you already know how to use cuDF’s Pandas.

Isn’t that cool?

You can find the code here: Google Colab.

👉 Over to you: What are some other ways to accelerate Pandas operations in general?

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