A Visual Guide to Stochastic, Mini-batch, and Batch Gradient Descent

...with advantages and disadvantages.

Gradient descent is a widely used optimization algorithm for training machine learning models.

Stochastic, mini-batch, and batch gradient descent are three different variations of gradient descent, and they are distinguished by the number of data points used to update the model weights at each iteration.

πŸ”· Stochastic gradient descent: Update network weights using one data point at a time.

  • Advantages:

    • Easier to fit in memory.

    • Can converge faster on large datasets and can help avoid local minima due to oscillations.

  • Disadvantages:

    • Noisy steps can lead to slower convergence and require more tuning of hyperparameters.

    • Computationally expensive due to frequent updates.

    • Loses the advantage of vectorized operations.

πŸ”· Mini-batch gradient descent: Update network weights using a few data points at a time.

  • Advantages:

    • More computationally efficient than batch gradient descent due to vectorization benefits.

    • Less noisy updates than stochastic gradient descent.

  • Disadvantages:

    • Requires tuning of batch size.

    • May not converge to a global minimum if the batch size is not well-tuned.

πŸ”· Batch gradient descent: Update network weights using the entire data at once.

  • Advantages:

    • Less noisy steps taken towards global minima.

    • Can benefit from vectorization.

    • Produces a more stable convergence.

  • Disadvantages:

    • Enforces memory constraints for large datasets.

    • Computationally slow as many gradients are computed, and all weights are updated at once.

Over to you: What are some other advantages/disadvantages you can think of? Let me know :)

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