5 LLM Fine-tuning Techniques Explained Visually

Explained in a beginner-friendly way.

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Fine-tuning LLMs

Traditional fine-tuning (depicted below) is infeasible with LLMs because these models have billions of parameters and are hundreds of GBs in size, and not everyone has access to such computing infrastructure.

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Thankfully, today, we have many optimal ways to fine-tune LLMs, and five such popular techniques are depicted below:

We covered them in detail here:

Here’s a brief explanation:

  • LoRA: Add two low-rank matrices A and B alongside weight matrices, which contain the trainable parameters. Instead of fine-tuning W, adjust the updates in these low-rank matrices.

  • LoRA-FA: While LoRA considerably decreases the total trainable parameters, it still requires substantial activation memory to update the low-rank weights. LoRA-FA (FA stands for Frozen-A) freezes the matrix A and only updates matrix B.

  • VeRA: In LoRA, every layer has a different pair of low-rank matrices A and B, and both matrices are trained. In VeRA, however, matrices A and B are frozen, random, and shared across all model layers. VeRA focuses on learning small, layer-specific scaling vectors, denoted as b and d, which are the only trainable parameters in this setup.

  • Delta-LoRA: Here, in addition to training low-rank matrices, the matrix W is also adjusted but not in the traditional way. Instead, the difference (or delta) between the product of the low-rank matrices A and B in two consecutive training steps is added to W:

  • LoRA+: In LoRA, both matrices A and B are updated with the same learning rate. Authors found that setting a higher learning rate for matrix B results in more optimal convergence.

To get into more detail about the precise steps, intuition, and results, read these articles:

That said, these are not the only LLM fine-tuning techniques. The following visual depicts a timeline of popular approaches:

👉 Over to you: What are some ways to reduce the computational complexity of fine-tuning LLMs?

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